A Maryland man is facing drunk driving charges after he got a flat tire on the way to work. The man was on the side of the road when he was spotted by the law enforcement officer. As the local police chief was assisting the driver with his tire, he apparently noticed signs that could indicate possible drunk driving.
The police chief took the driver to a local police station because he says that he noticed the smell of alcohol on the breath of the driver. When asked to show identification, the driver handed him a temporary license. Often, drivers who have been convicted of drunk driving are given a temporary license before their case is formally tried. The Maryland police chief assumed that this could mean he was recently arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.
After searching into the man's history, it was learned that he was recently charged in a DUI incident that took place in April. He was issued a temporary license, with which he has the right to drive while waiting for his case to be resolved. The morning that he had a flat tire, blood alcohol content (BAC) testing reportedly revealed that he had a BAC three times more than the legal limit. The results of a BAC test can lead to an arrest, but the driver has not yet been convicted of any crimes. It is also important to remember that there can often be problems with the administration of these tests.
A driver who is accused of drunk driving could have several legal options when facing such serious charges. This could include working on a plea agreement, securing lower fines and penalties. In this particular case, the best decision for the driver would depend on the individual details of his particular situation.
Source: The Baltimore Sun, "Laurel police chief stops alleged drunk driver", Amanda Yeager, May 13, 2014